About the Project

If you want to grow strong and to take up the challenges of life….

If you want to increase knowledge, competences and skills….

If you want to improve adaptability, enhance performance and work on your personal development….

….TC4DC project is for you!


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TC4DC general objective is to develop skills in and through sport and support the implementation of the EU Guidelines on Dual Careers of Athletes by setting up a transnational network of stakeholders in tennis and education, which elaborated an innovative Tennis Clubs for Dual Career (TC4DC) program and it will be pilot amongst 25 EU tennis clubs in the partner countries – Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Greece. Romania and Austria. The project targets talented grassroots tennis athletes (players) at the age of 17 and onwards, as well as talented coaches in sport in project participating countries. The project applies an interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral approach in the innovative TC4DC program based on research and evidence findings.



The idea of the education and training program is to prepare talented athletes and coaches for managers of small and medium sized sports clubs, and dual career counsellors. Talented tennis players and coaches will be trained to look for a balance in their life and personal growth as well as target their future choices. In this way they can train and compete with less tense and also enter the society and labour market in full speed. The TC4DC project gives an opportunity to make use of a unique training and education program in an accessible and fast way. The program offers talented young athletes a stage in practice.


TC4DC specific project objectives:

  1. To increase knowledge on the best European practices in Dual Career domains for talented sports people through research with special focus on education and trainings for sport managers in tennis and other sports;
  2. To improve adaptability of talented athletes and coaches by carrying on training needs assessment among members of participating tennis clubs;
  3. To increase sport management and Dual Careers knowledge and skills of 150talented athletes and coaches from 25 tennis clubs from the partners countries through piloting and evaluating the TC4DC training program and teaching methodology;
  4. To create conditions for further increased performance of talented athletes and coaches through elaborating and promoting a club-based model of career counselling centers within the tennis clubs in the project consortium.

how we work

Upgrade Your Skills Upgrade Your Life

The TC4DC project will elaborate:

  • Integrated Survey and Report on good practices in Dual Careers of athletes and coaches based on a club educational and training programs in EU with special focus on education and trainings for sport management in tennis and other sports.
  • 3 training courses: "All round preparation for tennis players on their way to dual careers" "Management of small and medium sized sport clubs" and ''Dual Career counselling for life after sport in Sport Clubs''.

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