
„New Career Paths“ event was held in RN Macedonia


„New Career Paths“ event was held in RN Macedonia

The New Career Path event part of the TCDC project (622045 – ЕPP- 1- 2020 – 1- BG – SPO – SCP), was held on the 19th November, hosted by the ‘Goce Delcev’ University – Stip (Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ – Штип), Members of Tennis club Astibo from Stip and Tennis club Net from Strumica, representatives of the Goce Delcev University, members of project team and also coaches, young athletes and children that are not tennis participated at the event.

The members of project team presented the project and its results. That was followed with practical activity realised in 5 parts including project presentation and discussion, warm-up on court, tennis demonstration, tennis competition and an awarding ceremony.

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