TC4DC project – hereby our experts from Austria’s TC Bludenz
September 30, 2022 2023-11-20 12:14TC4DC project – hereby our experts from Austria’s TC Bludenz
The “Tennis Clubs for Dual Careers” – TC4DC project (622045 – ЕPP- 1- 2020 – 1- BG – SPO – SCP), co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme, is honoured to share with you its team of experts from the partnering organisations. Their expertise has been crucial during the elaboration and delivery of TC4DC educational and training program.
We hereby present our experts from Austria’s TC Bludenz: Mr Hoch & Mrs Doycheva:
Mr Hannes Hoch is a passionate tennis player and President of the Bludenz Tennis Club for 18 years. His main tasks as project manager has been to pass on information, coordinate tasks and meet deadlines. A lot of research work was carried out by him and his team, implementing the Survey and Report on Good Practices in Dual Careers, interviewing coaches and tennis players on certain aspects of the project with the help of a Questionnaire.
He participated in the elaboration of the Training Program with its 3 modules and would be in the team performing the trainings.
Mrs Sofia Doycheva works as both researcher and tutor and is part of the TC Bludenz Team.
Sofia has a master’s degree in Strategic Management and has a passion for Tennis. She has helped organise multiple sport events, including tennis camps and tennis competitions in TC Karlovo, Bulgaria, as well as in TC Bludenz.