TC4DC project – hereby our experts from RN Macedonia
October 21, 2022 2023-11-20 12:14TC4DC project – hereby our experts from RN Macedonia
The“Tennis Clubs for Dual Careers” – TC4DC project (622045 – ЕPP- 1- 2020 – 1- BG – SPO – SCP), co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme, is honored to share with you its team of experts from the partnering organisations. Their expertise has been crucial during the elaboration and delivery of TC4DC educational and training program.
We hereby present our experts from RN Macedonia Prof. Kiril Barbareev and Mrs. Bilijana Popeska.
Prof. Kiril Barbareev is PhD in child education, full professor at Faculty of educational sciences and member of Executive Board of University sport center. He is a former athlete and member of Macedonia national representation in table-tennis and also national champion in table-tennis.
Within the TC4DC project, he works as a researcher and trainer.
Mrs. Biljana Popeska is PhD in Physical Education and Sport, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences of Gotse Delchev University, and also the head of the University Sports Centre. As a specialist, she has numerous scientific studies in the field of physical education, motor development and sports pedagogy.
Besides sports education and pedagogy, Ms Popeska also works in the field of sports management and physical activity in leisure.
Within the TC4DC project, she works as a researcher and trainer.
‘Goce Delcev’ University – Stip (Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ – Штип)