
The 4th transnational TC4DC project meeting


The 4th transnational TC4DC project meeting

🎾The 4th transnational TC4DC project meeting was held on the 5th of November in Lavrio, Greece, hosted by the OAL and gathered 30 participants from all partner countries. During the meeting were reported and discussed the feedback from participants in the TC4DC training program delivery. There were athletes and coaches among the meeting participants who shared insights on their participation in the project.👌

📖 The project experts presented 20 case studies – challenging club management cases to which the athletes and coaches trained by the TC4DC program were invited to find solutions based on the gained knowledge. All described case studies will enter into the TC4DC club management case studies’ compendium (pdf) which will be presented during the 5th final project meeting in TC Bludenz in December. The compendium will be uploaded as open source on the website of the project.

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