
Transnational Meeting in Sofia marked the start of the project “Tennis Clubs for Dual Careers”

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Transnational Meeting in Sofia marked the start of the project “Tennis Clubs for Dual Careers”

The first transnational meeting with representatives of 5 European countries in Sofia, Bulgaria,
marked the beginning of the project “Tennis Clubs for Dual Careers” (TC4DC), co-funded by the
Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Representatives of the partner organizations Sport Club Dema (Bulgaria), Goce Delcev University in
Stip (Republic of North Macedonia), As Club Politehnica (Romania), Sport Club Lavrio/OAL (Greece)
and Tennisclub Bludenz (Austria) gathered in Sofia despite the complicated epidemic situation and
discussed the main activities for the whole duration of the project until the end of 2022.
TC4DC aims to give young tennis players and coaches unique knowledge and skills in managing
small and medium sports clubs focusing on dual career prospects.

The project will develop an integrated survey and report on good practices in dual careers for
athletes and coaches. It will be based on educational and training programs in the EU. Sports
management in tennis and other sports will be the core focus.

Based on the survey, TC4DC will elaborate a teaching methodology of three training courses:
“Training in sports tactics and physical condition of athletes”, “Management of small and medium
sized sports clubs” and “Dual Career counselling for life after sports in sports clubs”.

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